Εργασία στην εταιρεία CHEMIKON


Εταιρικό Προφίλ


Αριθμός ΓΕΜΗ: 057682004000

Chemikon was founded in Thessaloniki, in 1993, with purpose the sales and technical support of chemicals and industrial raw materials. Our company has always been an independent and family owned business that has started off very small and through the years past we've improved our staff, products, and service to our customers.

Through experience exceeding 20 years, responsibility, continuous technical support and excellent customer service, the company strengthened its position among the leading players and became one of the biggest supplier of chemicals for numerous industries in Greece.

We are active in the fields ofPaint, Coatings, Construction, Adhesives, Inks, Artist Paints, Nonwoven, Textile, Carpet Industry, Paper, Leather, Wood, Composite market as well as water treatment, detergents and metal working


Since 1995, Chemikon has been the exclusive agent- distributor of Interchem and subsequently of Neochimiki, the biggest producer of alkyd resins, emulsions, saturated and unsaturated polyesters in Greece.

After  Neochimiki’s withdrawl from production in 2011, Chemikon, remaining faithful to its vision, builds new partnerships as agent and distributor of reliable international firms, covering always the needs of its clients, constantly enriching its products range and continuing the expansion in Southern Greece.


Our main target is customer tailored products responding to technical requirements, using environmental friendly technologies, supporting profitability with continuous cost reduction.

We have worked very hard to keep our main values alive, and these are:

  • Continuous quality responding to existing regulations
  • Provision of high level technical support for the best of our customers
  • Speed and accuracy of our services
  • Continuous education to provide innovative solutions
  • Partnership approach and reliable solution provider for customers
  • Strengthening its position among the leading players

CHEMIKON | Θέσεις Εργασίας

Οδηγός Γ' Κατηγορίας - Αποθηκάριος
Logistics - Αποθήκη - Μεταφορές
Πλήρης απασχόληση

Αναζήτηση θέσεων εργασίας
