Εργασία στην εταιρεία UNION OPTIC SA


Εταιρικό Προφίλ

Union Optic's long history and experience is our main asset. Established in 1912 as a commercial company, it has moved in 1980 into production of ophthalmic lenses.

Today Union Optic Group has a total workforce of 300 people, operates 3 manufacturing facilities in the eastern Mediterranean region and is affiliated with a lens design partner in Germany. Strategically located in Europe, we are servicing both European and Middle East markets, due to convenient location. Currently we have customers in 15 countries worldwide. As a member of European Union and the Eurozone, financial transactions are easy & flexible.

UNION OPTIC SA | Θέσεις Εργασίας

Executive Secretary - Γραμματέας διοίκησης
Γραμματειακή Υποστήριξη - Υπάλληλοι Γραφείου
Πλήρης απασχόληση

Αναζήτηση θέσεων εργασίας
